Monday, October 5, 2009

Today is...for those of you who are STILL not committed to begining a program of affirmations!

I knew I would have some skeptics reading this blog, because I was one!!!

So now I am going to share with you two other quick examples of the power of affirmations from “outside” sources.

After all, before you logged on to read this blog( or heard me speak), you most likely had never even heard of Deborah Morgan. So let me share with you some powerful examples from people who you might already be familiar with and the names don't ring a bell you can easily Google their names.

First, let’s look at Harv Ecker, author of “The Millionaire Mind” and now running one of the MOST successful financial seminars in the nation – the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

This is a brief story of Harv.

After many failed business attempts, Harv had for the third time moved back home with his parents. And yes, he was way over his teen years. A wealthy friend of his father’s happened to notice Harv one day while playing cards with Harv’s fathers and some other men. This man shared with Harv that he had the same disastrous start in business as Harv. Then he shared this advice with Harv
“. Rich people think in similar ways and poor people think in completely different ways, and those ways of thinking determine their actions and therefore determine their results….all you have to do is copy how rich people think.”

This made Harv think…

So Harv began to study successful and wealthy people and how they thought and what they did.

One of the things he discovered was that wealthy people practiced affirmations. Now Harv, at first, being the skeptic he was, thought: “No way. This affirmation (declaration) stuff is far too hokey for me”

But since he was broke at the time, he finally decided “What the heck. I’ll give it a try. It can’t hurt.”

And he started doing them.

Now he is wealthy and has this to say: “Either way I’ll rather be really hokey and really rich then really cool and really broke. How about you?”

Another example of affirmations and success comes from an amazing insurance company whose office lies within a 45 minute drive from San Diego, in Temecula California.

This is a brief story of owner and entrepreneur Julie Ngo.

The story begins when Julie was a successful executive in an unidentified insurance company.

Her job?

To train the insurance claims agents how to say “no”…yes, you heard me right..….to train them to always say “no” or refuse a claim first.

After many years of this she was disgusted with the company and her job. She told her husband she was going to quit and start out on her own.

So she did.

She interviewed with a number of Insurance companies before finally making her decision. She chose Statefarm because she was impressed by this company’s financial stability and their philosophy of caring for their clients.

This woman started her business and in just 4 short years had moved to number 1 in her region, # 30 in the state and in the top 4% Nationwide.

And guess what routine is a part of her entire staff of agents and workers? guessed it – Affirmations.

Every morning the entire staff together recites their company’s philosophy and goals..

Things like :
“We are growing in number of clients every day
“We build lasting relationships with our clients and they refer more and more business to us.
" We are now number one in the state..etc etc.”

Yes, each and every morning.

Tom Hopkins in his book “The Official Guide to Success” says:
“High Achievers go further. They use self instruction in an organized and consistent way to get what they want from life. If you are NOT in a program to multiply your achievements with positive self instructions, what are you waiting for?

He goes on to say this: “Self Instructions (or rather affirmations) are deliberate repeated thoughts about yourself that YOU have decided to make come true. They are not true when you first begin to say them. If they were, there would not be the need to repeat them.”

Think of it this way. Your subconscious mind will EVENTUALLY believe what you tell it over and over again.

Knowing this why would you NOT consciously choose what to tell your mind to think?
Chew on that for a while.

In the next post we will examine the 2nd set of building blocks.

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