Tuesday, October 20, 2009

More on D's...Dedicate Your Heart and Determine you Desitny....

Dedicate your Heart
Determine your Destiny:

We are all moved to support those things which we are dedicated to. Thomas Edison, great American Inventor and Entrepreneur once said:

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

When one has dedicated his/her heart to the outcome, the strength to try one more time often appears from the ashes. When others who are less passionate would walk away, those who are dedicated to ultimate success of their dream will go the extra mile. How many times, one wonders, has a business owner folded their hands and closed their doors when just around the corner was the breakthrough they had been waiting for.

Think of a teeter totter with a 100 pound weight at one end, representing return and a 50 at the other, representing your business. Now think of Effort/Persistence/Time being one pound weights which are added to the 50 side- One pound at a time- to the business or 50 side. This might take awhile. Yet once the 51st or 52nd or 55th one pound weight is added, the scales shift tremendously and drastically on the side of the “business or 50 pound side”. How often, one wonders has the business given up at the 49th pound?

Be Different.
Be One of Those who just keep adding weights, understanding the Rules of the Universe which govern things such as teeter-totters!!

Og Mandino, American Motivational Author and Speaker in his book “ The Greatest Salesman in the World” writes
“ Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough”
Determination will go a long way in seeing you through those bumps in the road. Determine your direction and then act! Like Andrew Jackson, (7th President of the United States) once said “ Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in!!!!!
Desires your Dreams:

One must not lose desires.
They are mighty stimulants to creativeness, to love, and to long life.- (Alexander A. Bogomoletz)
Without Desires life often becomes flat. Nature itself “desires” Desire is the drive behind our existence.
Without it, life can loose its flavor. People loose their zest for living.
Desire drives men and women to pro-create (which ensures the survival of the species) as well as to create and invent new products and services.

Desires drive creativity. Think of the toddler desiring to reach the “pretty” on the table.
There is no end to the toddler’s imagination as they think of ways to create the attainment of their goal – coffee tables, blocks, dad’s bike helmet…..

Let your desires make you as determined!!! Get back in touch with the "little engine that could" part of you which says "I think I can, I think I can ...I know I can!"
The great Albert Einstein said "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. " So when the successful entrepreneur encounters what appears to be an impasse, they may pull back and access the situation or go for a brief rest and reprieve letting their subconscious minds find the way through the maze, yet soon they are moving forward with new energy and determination.

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