Friday, October 16, 2009

Continuing with the D's...Decide your Direction...

Decide your Direction –

All good trips begin with some sort of plan, some sort of destination.

It is no different for a good business.

Make a plan.

It doesn’t have to be detailed to begin with. Just get your ideas down on paper, either visually or linguistically or - better yet – both.

Imagine what the business will look like in one year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, and 25 years.

Our subconscious minds drive our direction, our actions, so fill your mind full of what you want your business to look like, what you want your life to look like – but just like the archietects who build supersize buildings like the Chicago Trade Center – leave room for the building to “adjust” and move with the winds of change. Flexibility is the key to success.
It isn't a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream”. – Benjamin E. Mays, 1895-1984, American Educator and Clergyman
So sharpen that pencil, find a comfortable pen or purchase a handheld recorder - DO whatever it takes to get Your Dreams, Your Desires Down out of your head and into the physical world. There is a saying in the self development world which goes "everything begins in thought"...but maybe it should go on to say..."and ACTION brings it about".

Do you realize that everything we see today was once a "thought" of someone's? The clothes you wear, the car you drive, the glass you drink life giving water out of, even the way in which you obtain the water, through a faucet (our great grandparents knew no such convenience) - all of these began as "thoughts".

And best of all? There is a never-ending supply, abundance incomprehensible to the human mind of the number of thoughts one mind is able to produce. Just opening your mind to the possibilities in front of you heads you in the direction of seeing those thoughts come to pass.

Yes, there may be obstacles on the road which will need to be removed..maybe they block traffic and impeded progress for a time, but if you are certain about the Direction you are headed a minor block or detour only serves to increase your determination to reach your destiny.

Having your Directions, your Dreams recorded just helps you to stay on the course.

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