Wednesday, November 11, 2009 for Gratitude

Gratitude for your Gifts, your clients, your mentors.

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others."~ Cicero

Keep ever grateful for whatever got you this far.

You are alive.

And obviously you are able to read or you wouldn’t be reading this book.

Your literacy already puts you ahead of much of the world. Be grateful for it. Realize it is a gift. Spend a few moments and identify the gifts you have been given. List them. Now spend a few moments each day being grateful for those gifts.

Use those gifts. Incorporate your gifts into your business.

Grateful Hearts do Great Things. Gratitude has the ability to transform.

"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you."~ Sarah Ban Breathnach ~

Find yourself a Gratitude partner and Commit to taking a daily inventory of things to be grateful for.

It will change your life.

How do I know?

About few years ago now I formed such an alliance with a wonderful insurance saleswoman, Kay Barrett, who I met at a business seminar. We didn’t officially plan to become ‘gratitude partners’ but as we shared emails and laughs, the idea suddenly popped into my head. I emailed Kay to see if she would be interested in sharing daily doses of gratitude to keep us on track. She responded with a resounding “yes” and thus began our daily dose of gratitude. At one point our schedules became so hectic and we missed each other for a period slightly longer than a week. In the middle of one those days I stopped and asked myself “Why do I feel like I am in a ‘funk’”? Then I realized how one day had slipped into another and the whole week had past without spending the time to chart gratitudes. I recommitted to myself to the gratitude habit and apologized to Kay for the delay. Come to find out Kay also missed it and we quickly returned to our “Grats” lists.

And so we have continued.

We may never know the full extent of the blessings received from this daily habit but we are very aware of the contribution it makes to our daily joy.

Having Financial Woes?

Be grateful we live in a land where one can start over. Be grateful we live in a land where poverty is NOT the norm.

Fighting with the spouse?

Turn it inside out. Instead of focusing on the struggles between the two of you, take a break for a week force yourself to find something each day to be grateful for in the other. Remember all the people in the world who are presently alone, not by choice but by death or divorce. Be thankful for this person who is interested in your life.

Kids arguing again?

Be grateful for those little bundle whose boundless energy could fire up the world for eternity, if only we could harness it. Tell them how thankful you are that you get to be their parent. See if that doesn’t stop them dead in their tracks.

Let your gratitude for you employees and clients show, also.

Customers and employees who feel appreciated are more likely to be loyal when it counts.

"Every time we remember to say "thank you", we experience nothing less than heaven on earth."~ Sarah Ban Breathnach ~

See you at the gratitude gathering!!!

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