Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Focus, Focus, Focus…


Can’t really emphasize this enough.

Focus can be the difference between success and failure.

Focus on the End Goal.

Focus on Your Customer’s needs.

Keeping focused on these 2 things will keep you on track when other things clamor for your attention.

Think of the great golfer Tiger Woods. When he is preparing for a swing he is fully and completely focused on 1 thing – driving the ball into the hole.

Think of Shawn Johnson preparing for her floor exercise performance. All her attention is focused on one thing – seeing herself complete the routine perfectly

All outstanding athletes understand the power of the focused mind– today they not only take training to improve their field skills but they spend time training the brain, learning how to filter out unnecessary distractions to peak perform.

They are FOCUSED

Find a way to stay FOCUSED.

Practice meditation.

Take up Yoga.

Master the Martial Arts.

Play Chess.

Take up some discipline which will teach you the art of Focus.

My friend and respected Visualization Expert Sigal Zoldan teaches a simple exercise to help people quickly regain focus when their day has become chaotic. I use this when I become distracted after an interruption while writing.

Try it:

Draw a Big (yes BIG) circle on a blank piece of white paper.

Now…place a dot in the middle, like a target.

Now place the piece of paper on the wall a few feet away.

First take one minute and put your entire focus on the dot in the middle of the circle. Don’t let your gaze go to the outside of the dot. During this time think of the issue with as much gusto as you can, every aspect which is bothering you distracting you from your end goal.

Now take one minute and “notice’ everything other than the dot (in other words use your peripheral vision) and don’t let your mind wander to the problem.

Breathe deeply and evenly during these 2 minutes.

When you are finished, you will once again be centered and focused.

Sigal has successfully used this technique to help numbers of people, some of who even overcame migraine headaches by implementing this simple, yet effective exercise.

Next time you lose focus while working towards your creating your business, TRY IT..It REALLY WORKS!!!

Next up....something not often discussed in a business blog..but VERY important skill to obtain if you are going to get the most of your experience as a entrepreneur....forgiveness.

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