Thursday, September 24, 2009

Moving on with More "A's" in the Language of Entrepreneurs...

Today let's do a quick test to guage where you are at in your journey ....

Before we go any further ask yourself would you be willing to spend 5-10 minutes per day doing a simple exercise if you knew it would increase your chances of success?

If you said yes..good.


You have just increased the likelyhood of your eventual success.

Here are two of the greatest tools supported by numerous successful entrepreneurs to help you with your attitude.

What are they?

Adopting the Mindset of a Winner

Maybe you think you have heard all about affirmations before.

That's ok.

But let me ask you this.

Are you PRACTICING them?

You know, using them every day?

If not, don't worry. It is just because you don't fully understand their POWER. For I am sure if you did understand the Power of these tools no one could keep you from using them on a daily basis.

But let's back up for a moment.

Some of you may not even know what "affirmations" mean. Let's take a quick moment to clarify what I mean by affirmations.

Affirmations are simply statements of our ‘intentions” or our desires. They are statements reflecting who we want to be, what we want in our life and possibly even how we plan to get what we want. They are statements which reflect our deepest desires.

Affirm simply means “to make firm”. By speaking what you desire you are literally “making firm” these ideas in your subconscious mind. Needless to say, be careful what you choose to affirm.

On the next post I will give you some powerful illustrations of the power of affirmations to illicit change..see ya there!

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