Monday, September 28, 2009

Personal Illustration on the Power of Affirmations

Previouslyl I said I would share with you some powerful illustrations which demonstrate the power of affirmations to illicit change.

First, let me take a quick moment to clarify what I mean by affirmations.

Affirmations are simply statements of our ‘intentions” or our desires.

They are statements reflecting who we want to be, what we want in our life and possibly even how we plan to get what we want.

They are statements which reflect our deepest desires.

Affirm simply means “to make firm”. By speaking what you desire you are literally “making firm” these ideas in your subconscious mind.

Needless to say, be careful what you choose to affirm.

Now let me share with you my personal experience on the Power of Affirmations. A few years ago, I attended a Public Speaking Academy given by Eric Lofholm. Eric is an expert Sales Trainer, one of the Best Script Writing Teachers in the World. This training was conducted by Eric and partner Tony Martinez, a multi-millionaire who got his start in real estate. At the time I was going through a divorce, home schooling my daughter, managing 23 rental properties and studying for my broker’s license. Not yet totally convinced I wanted to continue to pursue real estate as a career, I was “open” to other opportunities and options.

In fact, deep down I knew I didn’t want real estate as my career. I just knew I needed to move forward and for the moment it seemed the ‘logical” thing to do considering my background. Now, for a year prior to attending this seminar I had been creating “Intentions” and writing affirmations both individually and with a Mastermind partner.

By the close of the first seminar day, I knew I wanted to eventually work with/for Eric or Tony, yet neither of them had any “positions” in their respective companies reflecting my idea of co-training or “trainers” under them. However, because of my Masterminding and affirmations habit, I decided to not let the absence of these job positions deter me from writing exactly what I preferred or desired to see myself doing.

So the first night of the seminar, after working on the scripts we were to give the next day, I began to write affirmations.

Affirmations like this: - I see that I am now working for Eric and/or Tony teaching, speaking and helping others to become the best they can be. - I love speaking, teaching and writing and make a wonderful income doing what I love.

Keep in mind there was no such position open then with either of them. I kept writing these as well as others, kept going forward with studying, handling the rentals and other responsibilities.

Then suddenly, about 6 months later, Eric says he is going to create a coaching team under him. I applied, received some training and was hired. Then, about 5 months later out of the blue, or so it seemed to me, Eric announces he is going to begin having trainers giving his presentations so together we could reach more people than he can reach on his own.

I found myself doing exactly what I wrote about 18 months previous- before the position was even created.

“But ok,” you think, “that could just be coincidence and you being at the right place at the right time.”


But maybe I was at the right place at the right time and given the opportunity because I wrote the affirmations?

Who knows?

This I do know, I continue writing and creating affirmations for everything I want in my life – even down to creating the kind of relationship I want with my daughter and my eventual partner.

Ok I knew I would have some skeptics reading these blogs, because I was one!!!

So for all of you skeptics….tomorrow’s post will be for you!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Moving on with More "A's" in the Language of Entrepreneurs...

Today let's do a quick test to guage where you are at in your journey ....

Before we go any further ask yourself would you be willing to spend 5-10 minutes per day doing a simple exercise if you knew it would increase your chances of success?

If you said yes..good.


You have just increased the likelyhood of your eventual success.

Here are two of the greatest tools supported by numerous successful entrepreneurs to help you with your attitude.

What are they?

Adopting the Mindset of a Winner

Maybe you think you have heard all about affirmations before.

That's ok.

But let me ask you this.

Are you PRACTICING them?

You know, using them every day?

If not, don't worry. It is just because you don't fully understand their POWER. For I am sure if you did understand the Power of these tools no one could keep you from using them on a daily basis.

But let's back up for a moment.

Some of you may not even know what "affirmations" mean. Let's take a quick moment to clarify what I mean by affirmations.

Affirmations are simply statements of our ‘intentions” or our desires. They are statements reflecting who we want to be, what we want in our life and possibly even how we plan to get what we want. They are statements which reflect our deepest desires.

Affirm simply means “to make firm”. By speaking what you desire you are literally “making firm” these ideas in your subconscious mind. Needless to say, be careful what you choose to affirm.

On the next post I will give you some powerful illustrations of the power of affirmations to illicit change..see ya there!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Building Blocks of Successful Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a state of mind, a can-do attitude, a capacity to focus on a vision and work toward it."*Barry Rogstad

Just as a Master Builder would not consider placing his most precious building on a weak foundation, a Master entrepreneur would not proceed to build their business without first considering the foundation.

Building a strong foundation requires being aware of the variety of materials available and choosing those best suited for the job. This is true when building a great building or building a great business.
Our brains work best when we give them familiar "anchors" to hang bits of new information on. So...
Let's have some fun with this using the buildig blocks of language to explore the "building blocks" of successful entrepreneurship.

As Maria sang in the famous "Sound of Music"...let's 'start at the very begining...'

A -
Attitude and Action

Your Attitude ultimately determines your Altitude - how far up can you go in your business?

First let’s look at attitude:

Are you upbeat, positive about your product/service/idea?

Are you one who easily crumbles when things go awry or are you one who is able to focus on looking for solutions rather than focusing time and effort on dissecting the problem?

Let’s be honest here.

You do probably not want to be an entrepreneur just to have your business “break even”

In 2005, BITS showed that 66 percent of new employers survive two years or more, 50 percent survive four years or more, and 40 percent survive six years or more. Wouldn’t you like to be in that 40%?

Do you think possibly those that survive are the ones who have the attitude of solving any challenges which arose or do you think they were the ones who thought “yikes” this will be the doom of me.

Successful entrepreneurs train themselves to immediately look for solutions.

The great Albert Einstein once said “sticking with something is the genius”

Don’t you think this guy should know? After all not only was he a successful inventor he also published a total 450 works in his lifetime.

Not exactly a quitter.

Stay tuned as we move on with a few more great "A" materials for a firm foundation...